Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Some things I do know about.

 Good morning to all. I have written about the mind and where it travels to for both writer and reader. I mentioned a few things that might cause us to wander inside our mind. Many years ago I had a blog that I wrote in nearly every day. I remember enjoying writing about "things I knew about." That was the name I gave to my blog site. I think it is important to know deeply what it is you write about. Somewhere along the journey, life happened, as it often does.
  This morning, something I know about is being bipolar. Considered a mental disorder by many, I sometimes wonder if it might be better named simply, a different way of thinking. Bipolar absolutely splits the mind in half. There is a side that wants to be free and run wild through life without ever looking back. The other "guy/gal would rather stay hidden, only showing itself when it is needed. Walking through this world, crazy, insane as it is, often overwhelms the bipolar mind. Thoughts that come at you so fast and frantic, you struggle to reach out and grab even a single thought to try and fix it. Spinning away, you cling to some piece of reality just to stay somewhat grounded. You fear everything and are afraid of nothing; yes, at the same time. highs cause you to believe with your whole heart, you can conquer the world. You can write that best seller or take on a demon or two that plagues your every day life. When you find your book didn't suddenly explode onto the New York Times list or that there in fact are Goliath's out there waiting to kick your butt, you feel defeated. Your once strong, passionate side suddenly drops into a terrible low. The extreme opposite of the high you had felt, you lose the belief that you can conquer anything. You feel as if nothing you have ever done was a success. The feeling of worthlessness, a failure and undesirable to anyone swallows you until you see no reason to even get out of bed. You won't accomplish anything or enhance anyone's life anyways. motivation is sucked out of you.
  What has any of this got to do with my writing? It has Everything to do with writing. To sit in front of my keyboard and type is therapy. it is the one safe place I can open my mind and let it go. Not having a clue as to what will appear on the screen, I just write. My thoughts dance across the screen and bring to life a story. some of the darkest, most real writing comes from the mood I am in. The lows bring to life frightening, abstract words, my characters filled with desire to hurt, hit, strangle, fight and dance with the devil. The highs cause a passion for living and laughing and love making. A strange mix of the two, and yes, sometimes even I am not sure if I am happy or sad, make for a coming together of characters that stir together anger, fear, happiness, a desire to lay someone down and make passionate love to them. The manner in which the sexual scenes unfold has everything to do with where I am inside my head.
   Today, I am unsure where I truly am. I want to laugh and sing and smile. I want to write dark and frightening things in my novel. Some characters are willing to tackle the world while others want only peace to happen. writing is so very therapeutic. You, my readers benefit from the way my mind works. You get to see inside of me through my writing. Although i may be killing someone in the book, the reality side is me, killing not a human but, ending the existence of one of my demons, even if only for a little while. Writing as therapy. That is something I Know about.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


 I think sometimes that to truly connect with those who read my books, there has to be a "human" connection. All too often today, everything is so completely "digital", the fact I have a life outside of my books is lost. Yes, writing is my passion and I insert some of my real life inside my books. There are pieces of myself that meld into the stories, sometimes on purpose and other times, without my even realizing it until I proof read the words I have written. I think to leave out the living, breathing side of my world would show in my writing.
 I am Darrel Day and I live in a small town in the north central part of Iowa. Cornfields and piggy's adorn my surroundings. I look like any other person living any other place in the world. What separates me from other writers, other people, is the person who lives inside of me. Appearing to look and be just like everyone else hides the person I truly am. That person allows me to sit and create stories simply by sitting down and writing. My mind has a million stories running around inside. Some of them may never be written but the ones that do find a way to the screen in front of me are part of experiences and emotions and laughter and tears that have made up my life.
 I kept a blog site going many years ago titled "Things I know about." It was a very open, honest blog concerning myself and what allowed me to write the way I wrote. I wrote openly of my long running struggle living with being bipolar, tourettes and often times, depressed. I told of the battles with emotional highs that made me feel as if I could conquer the world. For every high there was to write about, there was an equally draining low to combat. those highs and lows were and still are as much a gift as they are a curse. Both sides gave me the ability to write with true, real-time emotion, strong enough for the reader to feel it in my words. Although there is some embarrassment inside of me that goes along with the admittance of such disorders, as they are refereed to as today, there is also a sense of relief in writing about them.
 As I add to this blog, I will talk more about the "things I do know about" and how they tie into my writing. For now, I simply wanted to show you that I am more than a robotic being, typing away without any true emotion or reality. What lies awake inside my brain while my body sleeps is the settings for my next sentence, next paragraph... my next novel. I will also talk about some of books, upcoming events and where life takes on this journey we call life. Thank you for taking time to read this. I look forward to sharing more of myself with you.  

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

 I will start my blog-site out simply by saying that the mind travels to places we cannot or perhaps dare not travel to in real life. It has the ability to span universes; some that may exist only inside our minds. The thoughts, characters and creations that come to life inside of my books are those that awaken as soon as I touch my keyboard. 
 The question asked in the name of my blog-site is one I am asked more often than I could count for you. The answer is far more complicated than the question itself. Creatures that would scare the life out of many, scenarios that seem almost unimaginable {notice I did say "almost"} move across my screen, bringing to life the story as it unfolds in my mind. What lives inside this writers mind is a hat tipped upside down, filled with names and creatures and killers and lovers. It needs only to be shaken and then my mind reaches inside like long fingers, never knowing what i am going to pull out. Whatever it may be, a story is birthed and grows into adulthood.
  Stay with me as I take you down a road that this writer travels. I will insert thoughts and tell you  where my mind goes. I will walk you down a road that has been trampled and raked and trampled on again and again. I will show you how the mind of this writer twists and turns while trying to keep my head high enough not to drown in my own insanity. A gifted mind some call it while others say something very different from gifted. My novels are the things that go bump in my brain turned inside out. I hope that you will take a look at where my mind has beengoing for many years now. It all transfers from my head... to my screen.